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Troubleshooting & FAQ

Having issues with your 1Home Server? Answers below might help.

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See diagnosis network issues page for more details.

I can't access local dashboard at 1home.local

Try connecting to 1home-2.local and 1home-3.local. Sometimes the resolution from domain to the actual device IP via mDNS persists the old IP address of the device that changed after the reboot. This should be automatically fixed after a couple of hours.

You can also always connect directly to the IP of the 1Home Server that you can find in the UI of your router.

NOTE: With Windows versions before Windows 10 connecting with 1home.local might not work. You will have to connect via IP address.


Can I configure a static IPv4 address?

Yes. Please see the Network settings for more details.


Matter apps (Apple Home, Google Home, ...)

I can't pair again the 1Home Server with my Matter app (it worked before!)

You need to remove the pairing connection on BOTH sides (withing Server dashboard and Matter app) before trying to pair again.

We suggest first unpairing from the 1Home Server dashboard (guide), and then unpairing from the Google Home, Apple Home or any other Matter app.

Only then the pairing will work again.


Pairing was successful, but all devices are offline (Google Home, Apple Home, ...)

Please check the Diagnosing Network Issues article.


Matter app was working correctly, but started showing "No response" or a similar status (connection issues)

Please check the Diagnosing Network Issues article.

If you have ruled out any general networking issues or Matter app hub going offline, please check the corresponding known issues for each Matter app: Apple Home, Google Home, Samsung SmartThings, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant.


I removed 1Home Server within the Matter app (e.g. Apple Home) but Matter app is still shown in 1Home Server dashboard

It is important to unpair the Matter connection on both sides.

Proceed to unpair the device from Matter app as well as from 1Home Server dashboard under Integrations -> Matter Bridge.

This is necessary mechanism that is required since one of the devices can be offline during the unpairing process.


I removed Matter app in 1Home Server dashboard, but the 1Home Server is still shown within the Matter app (e.g. Apple Home)

It is important to unpair the Matter connection on both sides.

Proceed to unpair the device from Matter app as well as from 1Home Server dashboard under Integrations -> Matter Bridge.

This is necessary mechanism that is required since one of the devices can be offline during the unpairing process.


I can't control Apple Home devices remotely

Enable access in iOS settings.


I am experiencing increased delay when performing actions

Sometimes the Matter apps have a larger delay due to syncing the state in the background.

This is something that the Matter apps teams are improving with every release.

There is also a known issue with Apple Home Matter integration and large KNX installations where after some days the delay grows. Restart of the Apple hub solves the issue. We are working to help Apple fix this issue.


When adding/removing devices the Matter app becomes unresponsive

Certain Matter apps can have troubles when adding/removing devices after the device is already commissioned and can go offline for a period of time or show incorrect state. Check known issues for your specific Matter app: Apple Home, Google Home, Samsung SmartThings, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant


Device names are not updated in Matter app after change in 1Home dashboard

Each Matter app decides if it will listen for changes of device names and apply them even after the 1Home Server was already paired.

While 1Home Server advertises the changes, no Matter app supports this at the moment. For Apple Home, this is possible with the 1Home Companion app (guide on how to do it).


Rooms from the dashboard are not synced to Matter apps

At the moment rooms are not automatically imported to Matter apps (view workaround for Apple Home below). Matter has a concept of rooms which 1Home Server supports out of the box, but rooms import is not yet implemented on the Matter apps side (Apple Home, Google Home, etc.). Smart assistant engineering teams are aware of this and will be looking to add room syncing support in the future updates.

For Apple Home, this is possible with the 1Home Companion app (guide on how to do it).



See common KNX issues page for more details.

ETS auto detection did not detect my device or detected it incorrectly

Our ETS detection algorithm usually detects 80%-100% of the devices, but occasionally has troubles with certain specific ones (e.g. certain old actuators or more exotic devices). If that happens to you, you can add this device manually. You can also follow our guide on How to correctly set-up devices in ETS for best auto detection results.

During the final stages of the ETS import consider also sharing the details with our engineering team who will be later able to look into the issue.


A certain KNX device becomes unavailable from time to time

First try ruling out any configuration mistakes by following our Check your configuration guide.

Also make sure that the status objects on your device have read (R) and transmit (T) flags enabled in ETS. They are required for a normal behavior of any device that can report status.

If no issues are detected there, try reading the status of the device directly via ETS software. We have seen some connectivity issues with KNX RF devices. So if your KNX device is using RF check that it is in a good enough range to the KNX RF coupler.


I need more device types!

One of our main goals at the moment is to achieve feature parity with the 1Home Bridge in regards to the device types we support. We are currently working on additional color light settings and a basic implementation of the garage doors. Garage doors are not yet supported in Matter standard as a standalone device, so we are limited with our options of how to support them at this moment. With the Matter 1.2 specification there is also a CO/CO2/VOC sensor support, which we will also be adding as soon as smart assistants enable it on their side (via Matter integration). All of the above device types will roll out via a software update in the next couple of months.


KNX bus gateway is losing connection or can’t connect

Usually when this happens, the KNX bus connector is not pressed deep enough in the connection slot in the 1Home Server or the KNX bus wire might be damaged. Try using a different wire and reinsert the connector, to see if this solves the issue.

If this doesn’t solve the issue, you can also try:

  1. Start ETS telegram monitor using 1Home Server as IP interface.
  2. Using this ETS connection via 1Home Server IP interface, read one or more of the addresses that are not readable and monitor if responses arrive.
  3. If the responses don't arrive, check if there is a line coupler between the Server and those devices which filters out the telegrams.



What is the difference between the ⬛ black and ⬜ white color of the device panel?

Black vs White

Before splitting 1Home Server KNX into 1Home Server KNX and 1Home Server KNX Pro, the initial version of 1Home Server KNX used the black panel. Functionally it is equivalent to the 1Home Server KNX Pro.

1Home Server Loxone Bridge has the white panel and a green box around the "Server" word.

Can I migrate my 1Home Bridge configuration to 1Home Server?

Yes! Please follow this guide.


Difference between 1Home Server and 1Home Bridge?

Even though the core functionality of both Server and Bridge at the moment are very similar, there are a couple of key differences between the Bridge and the Server.

Both devices bridge KNX devices to smart assistants, but 1Home Bridge does this using the older proprietary protocols specific for each smart assistant (HomeKit, Google Home, Alexa API, …) while Server does this using Matter - the new open standard which all of the assistants are migrating to and are using as their core smart home protocol.

Matter is a bit more demanding in terms of technological stack (e.g. IPv6 - which is not available on Bridge at the moment) and is a bit more resource heavy for bridge devices, which is why we only support it on the Server.

We have also seen a large demand from our customers to add an automation engine, IoT integrations and other more demanding applications, for which the 1Home Bridge is a bit underpowered. Thus 1Home Server comes with a much stronger hardware and larger storage on which we will be able to add much more demanding functionality.

Thus such future developments will only come as an update to the Server.

The software of the Server is also the next generation from the one on the Bridge and it fully focuses around the Matter protocol. 1Home Server runs completely locally (with the exception of the ETS auto detection) and is built to run without the cloud. Bridge still depends to some extent on 1Home cloud, mostly due to the requirements of the older proprietary assistant integrations.

In short, while Bridge and the Server are offering similar functionality right now, in the next couple of months the Server will offer almost everything that Bridge does and much more.


What kind of power supply do you suggest?

If you will decide to use a dedicated power supply and not use the auxiliary power (e.g. from your KNX power supply) then any 2.1 mm DC barrel 12V 1A should be okay, although we recommend a DC barrel 12V 2A PSU just to be on the safe side regarding different PSU manufacturers.


Can I create a backup of the configuration? (export/import)

This is something that we are aiming to release sometime in December.


Is there a maximum number of devices that can be bridged to Matter?

We don't limit the maximum number of the devices bridged to Matter at the moment. Please do consider that smart assistant support for large installation of smart homes (100, 150 and more bridged devices) is not optimal and has issues so we advise to bridge only the devices that you really need in your Matter app. To avoid such issues, we might introduce an upper limit for new configurations with future updates.


Can I change between the device types?

Changing between device types after the device is added is not supported at the moment (you can only change it during the ETS import for some specific types). The reason is that with Matter we could only change the type of the device in the Matter app if we remove the old device in Matter app and add it as a new one with a different type. This would remove it from all automations and scenes in your Matter app as well as put the device in the default room again. We are investigating a coupe of possible solutions to this problem.


Submit a bug report

If you have found a bug when using our 1Home Server, use our 1Home Server Bug Report Form to report it. After you complete the submission, please also get in touch with our support.

Also make sure to understand the current known limitations of each smart assistant application (check specific guides in the sidebar for your smart assistant app).