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Use Dynamic Data in Automations

1Home Automations offer you an easy way to get the data from the system and use it anywhere in the automation.

You can get state of your devices, results of previous steps in the automation, system time and more and use it in Conditions, Actions and other blocks as well as within math calculations.

All without complicating the automation.

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Dynamic inputs

Wherever in your automation you see an option to Use Dynamic Input it means you can use the dynamic data and do math equations.

Use dynamic input

If you click on it you will see the dynamic input appear. When you click in it with your mouse, you will se an option to Insert Dynamic Data.

Dynamic Data Focus

If you click on Insert Dynamic Data, you will be able to select values available in your system and use them in automations.

Dynamic Data Picker

Example of selecting a brightness percentage value of a Light to be used in automation.

You can then use the selected dynamic data in you input field. Here we simply increment the value of the light for 10%. Dynamic Data In Action

Dynamic Data values

There are multiple types of Dynamic Data that you can use.

1. Results from previous steps in automation

You can use the value received in a trigger or a result of an action within a previous step in your automation as a dynamic input.

This is very useful when you want to compare such value and make a decision based on the result. For example, execute the next block only when Occupancy sensor detects presence.

Dynamic Data - Prev Step

When you use a data from the previous step of the automation, you can easily see in the preview of the automation where the data was taken from.

In the example below, we can see that the T1.value is the value of the T1 Trigger and is used in the Condition block. In this case this value represents Detected state of the occupancy sensor.

Trigger reference

By opening the block and clicking on this T1.value, you can also see more details of the source of this data.

2. System time

System time can be used as a dynamic data. It is mostly useful in Condition blocks to check if the time is between the desired hours (e.g. between 7:00 and 19:00).

Dynamic Data - System Time

Once used, the System time dynamic data is displayed in the Dynamic input as shown below.

Trigger reference

3. State of devices

Any device state can be used as a dynamic data in the system.

This way you can use device state in conditions and actions, for example to set the value of one light to the value of another light, but for example only when the brightness in the room is above a certain level.

Dynamic Data - Device State

Once used, the device state is displayed in the Dynamic input as shown below.

Dynamic Data Device State Preview

Transform data in Dynamic input

Within the Dynamic input you can use mathematical equations and other data transformations.

In example below we use a + operator to increase the value of the brightness percentage by 10. Dynamic Data In Action

Using math

  • Arithmetics: +, -, *, /, ** (exponentiation)
  • Numeric operators: >, <, >=, <=, == (equal), != (not equal)
  • Boolean AND (&&): true && true - useful with dynamic data such as contact sensors and other boolean device states
  • Boolean OR (||): true || true - useful with dynamic data such as contact sensors and other boolean device states
  • Boolean inversion: !
  • Bitwise operations: | - OR, & - AND, ^ - XOR, >> - left shift, << - right shift, ~ - bitwise not
  • Inline condition: C ? A : B